Academic Editing and Research Services


Types of Academic Documents

BSMG retains expert and experienced copy editors who know the specific requirements for a variety of scholarly, academic writing. We offer editing services for the following academic documents:

  • Doctoral Prospectus
  • Doctoral IRB Packages
  • Doctoral Dissertations
  • Master's Theses
  • Scholarly Articles for Journal Publication
  • All academic paper writing at the undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels


Academic research requires access to academic libraries and extensive knowledge in isolating appropriate and germane source material. BSMG offers academic research services in the following areas:

  • Using multiple digital scholarly libraries
  • Collecting scholarly articles, books, and other sources
  • Reading and isolating material from sources for specified topics
  • Creating annotated bibliographies with bibliographical information (MLA, APA, SBL), pertinent source excerpts, and summaries

Academic Formatting

BSMG experts provide meticulous academic formatting and are familiar with the formal, published guides. We consider the following aspects in editing academic formatting:

  • MLA formatting (in-text citations, Works Cited, typing features)
  • APA formatting (in-text citations, References, typing features)
  • SBL formatting (Society of Biblical Literature) (footnotes, endnotes, Bibliography)
  • Turabian /Chicago Style Guides
  • Specific University guidelines for typing format and documentation
  • Cite Generators such as Zotero and Easybib
  • Endnotes for large documents such as dissertations and theses
  • Tables, Figures, Appendices


BSMG is particularly passionate about incorporating appropriate style through diction and syntax choices that effectively convey meaning and reach the intended audience.  Services for the elements of style include:


  • Coherence:  logical progression of ideas
  • Unity: focus on one main idea per document, with focus on one main idea for each section and paragraph
  • Organization: presentation of ideas in a document
  • Academic tone: professional voice of the author that lends credibility and authority to the reader
  • Diction: author's word exact and vivid word choices
  • Sentence structure: effective and meaningful construction

BSMG editors refer to the specified academic formatting guide for all stylistic features.


 BSMG copy editors are fastidious and knowledgeable of all grammar and usage conventions in the English language, and meticulously proofread documents to ensure the highest accuracy. Proofreading includes:

  • Punctuation (periods, commas, semicolons, colons, question/exclamation marks, italics, underlining, dashes/hyphens, quotation marks, parentheses, spacing)
  • Capitalization (titles and headings, proper nouns and adjectives, factors/variables/effects)
  • Sentence structure (simple, compound, complex, run-on, fragments)
  • Abbreviations (reference specified formatting guidelines)
  • Numbers (statistics, fractions, ordinal/decimal, words)
  • Spelling (conventional and specific)
  • Metrication and Equations
  • Tables and Figures
  • Writing conventions (active/passive voice, pronoun usage, contractions, etc.)

Continuity and Chapter Compliance

BSMG editors have a thorough knowledge of the components required in each type of academic document. Further, we will examine the specific content requirements of the academic institution. We read each document to ensure that all of the necessary components have been fully and accurately addressed, and also examine the continuity of large documents for repetition, consistency, coherence, and unity.